Asante: Origins

direction, cinematography, and editing

First generation and Black americans alike seek to reconnect with a rich heritage thousands of miles away that they never truly knew.

Some of us are blessed with a direct connection to our true home. Origins is an episodic documentary series that follows Ghanaian-American artist @mindofasante , as he travels to Ghana for the first time in 12 years to prepare for the release of his newest project. Join us as his family guides him as he reconnects to his culture and share with him their vision for the future of their family and Ghana as a whole, meeting some new friends along the way. 

As soon as the gate opened at asante's maternal grandparents’ home in Mampong - you could feel the love. His grandfather spoke his greetings softly with a warm embrace, while his grandmother let out a loud holler as she welcomed her grandson home for the first time in 12 years.

Kin, the first of the Origins series follows @mindofasante as he reconnects with his grandparents. Watch as they swap stories from his last visit, and he shares his music with them for the first time.

The Amoako/Twumasi family demonstrates how a clear vision, positive intentions, and strong work ethic allows you to create what you want in this life. They have developed a foundation that continues to build wealth and opportunity for their family and the community at large.

Wealth is defined as an abundance of valuable possessions, which extends beyond money/material objects. Knowledge and an understanding of the world are two of the most valuable things a person can have in their possession - which is exactly what this family is giving to their children and students in their school.

They are truly inspiring figures and i would recommend you watch this episode to learn from them. To learn just how possible it is for you to create the life you want for yourself and those around you. It won’t happen overnight, but if you start with small acts today you never know what your intentions will grow to become.